
With an ever-dropping ranking in their Google standings, we were contacted by Owl Pest Control in Dublin to save the day! The old site had an average load time of 15-20 seconds per page, due to an outdated theme and several unneeded plugins. We redeveloped the whole site with a fast/trusted theme and also replaced […]


As one of the leading energy healing practices, the Bio Energy Academy Of Dublin reached out to us in need of a redesign. Their website was a simple basic html site with absolutely no structure or features, and what we created for them is nothing short of amazing. A platform where they can offer their […]


In need of a Salon website, we were contacted help her set up a site offering vouchers as well as a booking system for salon appointment. we opted for integrating the Phorrest account as this is a very popular system used by salons. The original site was a very old style WordPress site, which we […]